
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Hi! My name is Alexa Weeks, and I am thrilled to have a senior project with Ashley Hall School. My project is called, "Opera for the Ages," and it will focus on classical singing for all ages. This year I will  interview as many opera singers or hopefuls as I can, both on the local and national level. From there I will take their advice and knowledge and apply it to my own studies, which will culminate in a performance at the end of the year. However, I want to give back the knowledge I garner to others, who may have never even heard of classical music. Through the Miss South Carolina Organization I have a platform that involves me visiting schools and sharing my love of opera. I want to encourage as many young people as possible to at least integrate a little bit of classical music into their everyday lives. I will strive to do that more and more as the year goes on. This was just a quick overview, but stay posted to see where this year will take me!

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